
H&M sweater (boyfriend's)
ZARA boots, short denim, handbag
Tiffany&Co. necklace

Nothing beats wearing boyfriend's sweater in this cold Winter :) Comfortable, buggy, warm, loose-cute,..what else? I guess I might've looked stupid in this outfit here while people wear 100 layers to avoid the cold air and looked at me like why the hell is she wearing stockings? Let's say it's the youth stupidity haha. The sunlight was warm and lit up the ground and the river which I missed so much to feel. Tomorrow I'll stay at Mercure Hotel to spend new year with John. How will you spend 2012?

寒い冬はボーイフレンドのセーターほど暖かくて心地いいものってないよね :) 
この気候でみんなが100枚(極端だけど)重ね着してる中、あたしはきっと気違いにでも見られたかかもね笑 通り過ぎたおばあちゃんとかカート停めてガン見してたし。
久しぶりに太陽が顔出して日差しがあったかかったから、ジョンのセーター奪って、また曇らないうちにフォトシュートに来たの。明日はNew Yearを過ごすのにマルキュールホテルに泊まるの :D ステキな2012年を迎えてね!


Since I moved to Germany, cooking's got my new addiction and early this month I made my cooking post . And here this is new kind of post start: recipe :) I love eating and cooking, so why don't I give it a try? I do my best to make easy-to-understand guide with pictures. If you have any suggestions and ideas, I would love to have them! 
Click SEE MORE for this Carbonara recipe ----> 

ドイツに引っ越して来てから料理が新しい趣味になって、今月の初めに料理のポスト作ったの。それでこれがNew Try: レシピ :) 食べるのも作るのも大好きだから、やってみようかなと思って、火曜日に作ったカルボナーラから始めてみるよ :D 何かアイディアとか提案があったら是非教えてね! 

For 2 portions...

Length matters

Esprit coat, Pimkie outer, ZARA sweater, boots, H&M skinny pants, Tiffany&Co. necklace

Just happy having the same item which the famous fashionista has

Bryanboy just tweeted and I found he was wearing ZARA TRF knit today which is exactly the same I have. It just feels happier to have it once you know one of famous fashionistas has the same one as yours, doesn't it? And as for me, it even makes me a bit more confident about my fashion taste which turned out to be in common as his. How would you wear it? 

BryanboyがTwitterでブログの更新をつぶやいてリンク見てみたら、私が持ってるのと同じZARA TRFのニット着てた。ファッショニスタが自分と同じ服持ってるって知ると何かちょっと嬉しくない?アイテムが一緒ってわかった瞬間、テイストの共通点が生まれてちょっとだけ自信がついたりもする。みんなはどう着る?


2nd Xmas Present

Last night Jan came back from his flight with 2nd Xmas present which was Tiffany & Co.'s key hole shaped necklace. Yes, he has a key to unlock me ;)

昨日ジョンが2つ目のクリスマスプレゼントと一緒にフライトから戻って来た。Tiffany & Co.のキーホールシェイプネックレス。そう、私をアンロックする鍵は彼が持ってるの ;)


Here I am

Now I can officially show you the photos taken by Peter Skvarenia with this so called "crazy" makeup by Katharina. I know I know, this really is crazy and too fresh/new to me but I quite like it. On the left side of my eyebrow, she put stones and on the right side there's the red feather. And to match with the feather, she put that real red rouge by MAC on my lips. What would you say? 
While he was taking photos, I was feeling something magical and the moment was so enchanted all the time in many sets of the bright lights. Maybe it's simply because that was my first official photoshoot by a photographer and the circumstance was only for me. It was just so cool!
We will work together soon again. I'm already excited for it :) 

これが20日にフランクフルトでやったピーターカタリーナとコラボしたオフィシャルフォト。本当にクレイジーでしょ?ちょっと新鮮すぎるような感じもするけど、でも気に入ってる :) 左の眉毛に沿ってストーンを乗せて、右側は羽、その色に合わせて真っ赤なリップにしたの。えーそれ塗るんですか!って感じでちょいビビリだったけど実際試すとそんなに悪くなかったりするね笑

Another shot. 別ショット

Play with colors for retro look :D


Christmas LUNCH

Quick post of Christmas lunch I had at Jan's parents house today. (He's in Tokyo now :P) We had sautéed red cabbage, Kartoffelkloß, and duck filled with pork meat...and red wine :D Looks typical German food, doesn't it? Because it iiiiisss... I need more colors! but ok, I'm getting used to it.
Hope you had a nice Christmas day today :)

今日またジョンの両親の家にお邪魔してお昼ご飯いただきました。(ハイ、ジョンは今成田です :P) 紫キャベツのソテー、ジャガイモ団子(これはタマネギとかちょっと野菜が混ざってる)と豚肉が詰め物のダック。。とワイン。典型的なドイツ料理っぽいよね。ドイツなんだけどね。。私にはもっと彩りが欲しいけどクリスマスくらいはいっか。

Sneak peek :)

Last Tuesday, 20th, I had a photoshoot with Peter Skvarenia and a makeup artist Katharina at Frankfurt. These snaps are sneak peeks of next post about it :) The makeup was "crazy" and so was the hairdo. But I would certainly like to know what you think. This was such an amazing experience which boosted my motivation for my future work a lot. Miracle's been happening when it's got close to the end of this year! Woo hoo!

先週の火曜、20日にフォトグラファーのピーターとメイクアップアーティストのカタリーナと一緒に写真撮影がフランクフルトであったの。このスナップたちは次回のポストのSneak Peekね :) メイクアップは"クレイジー"ってことですごいことになったけど、記事更新したらどう思うか教えてね :) 家について寝たのが朝の3時で、スケジュールもクレイジーだった笑 でもまた一緒に仕事するの楽しみ~!! 一年も終わりの頃になんだか楽しくなって来た :D

Dinner on 24th

Spending Christmas here in Germany was such a magical moment. I have this wonderful dinner at Jan's  parents home though Jan himself was flying to Japan for work. How did you spend Christmas Eve? Hope yours was also amazing! 

24日イヴの夜はジョンの両親の家で妹のアニ(Anni)と4人で夕食。人生で初めての海外でのクリスマスは本当に忘れられないひとときになった。全部が金色に輝いて、街を歩く人はみんな笑顔で。ジョン自身はこのイヴにフライトがあって成田へ。。笑 残念だけど、来年は休暇取ってなんとか参加するって言ってた。みんなはどんなイヴを過ごした? Stay amazing!

Christmas Eve Morning (Outfit)

Hope you all have a magical Christmas eve today. This ESPRIT faux fur coat was last Christmas present from Jan and here in Germany, I am wearing again. My wish to come live here came true this year that was one of the biggest archives I have made. What have you done this year? :) 
Another exciting post is already waiting to be published :) 
Have a great, shining Christmas everyone!

みんなはどんなクリスマス過ごしてる?このエスプリのファーコートは去年ジョンがクリスマスプレゼントにくれたもので、今日、ここドイツで再び着ました。去年心の中で、「ドイツに住む」って誓った願い事は今年の達成した出来事の中でも一番大きなイベント。留学がパーになって3年東京で働いて、なんとかまた学生復帰に漕ぎ着けました。自分の人生の中でこれはかなりデカイ変化になるはず。みんなは今年何を成し遂げた? :)
もう一つ、お楽しみのポストを用意してるよ :)
ステキなクリスマスを過ごしてね :)

Merry Christmas

I know I haven't made any posts for ages but finally finished school for this year (though it kind of just started and finished in seconds) and I've been enjoying Christmas break at home baking a lot. How have you been spending these days? Wish you a Merry Christmas!

After school

On 8th, after school, John picked me up and we headed to Frankfurt to look through Christmas Market. It was actually the first time for us to come here for it though I already have seen it with Nick. Sorry for non-outfit post which I haven't made lately, but enjoy all these lovely photos :D

8日、学校が終わってからジョンが迎えに来てそのままフランクフルトのクリスマスマーケットに行った。二人でこのために来るのは初めてだけど私はこないだニックと来たからどんなか知ってたんだよね。でも何度来ても絶対100%満足:) 今回もアウトフィットポストじゃないけど、全部写真はとってもきれいでかわいらしいのが多いから是非見てね :D


bonjour Paris

Trip to Paris in April 2012 confirmed and now I'm already excited to visit there! I just took a picture of this little Eiffel Tower under the Christmas light at the kitchen :) Mmm...what would you say? Just, beautiful <3

来年4月にパリに旅行に行くことになりました。もう既にワクワク...! キッチンにあるライトの下でジョンがパリで買って来たこのエッフェル塔をスナップ :) Mmm..なんて言い表せばいいのかな。ただただ、きれいだよね <3


Hoodie & bleached denim

ZARA knit, short denim
MANGO bowling handbag
Buffalo boots

It looks cold but was warm enough to be in short denim and boots. It was about 11 degrees outside till the evening. Now again short denim is getting my must wear item even here in Germany. I thought I couldn't ever wear it in December and have to wait until warm Spring comes but it's not as bad as I thought to be. Maybe I'm the only one girl who's in this kind of freezing-looking outfit and it conceives me when all people walking by keep looking at me..haha
Sorry for being absent on outfit post but I'm kind of running out of clothes to show you. So I'm trying to make as many outfit combination as possible before grabbing my camera. Hope you stay tuned and check my updates :)

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On the 23rd of March 2024, I stood beside the love of my life, surrounded by friends and family, as we exchanged vows and embarked on a new ...